Friday, August 10, 2007

Will Call...

We will be leaving next week for what amounts to a months worth of vacation.
First to the beautiful wilds of Canada for fishing and general good times with some wonderful friends.

Upon arriving home we just about have time to repack and head out for eight days of ‘Dirt Track’ racing.... in Northern California. Madame x's husband loves this stuff.....

I thought it would be a fun time to take two days and drive into San Francisco to see a play and have a nice meal.....


But... when he got the racing tickets?.....

JUST KIDDING FOLKS!..... madame x's husband really looks like this....

and he adores a night in the city, seeing some good theatre


Dan said...

You stink! I want to go on a vacation. Oh ... wait ... I just got back from a vacation. Never you mind. I need another one already!


Mx said...

Dan! I just realized...We are going to Canada! Canada Dan! Guess who lives in Canada....yes....big foot!

I'll be glad to relay any messages, if you are still interested...

Rick Rockhill said...

I need a vacation too...but not til November for me. Have fun in North country...and you should stop and wave to Dan!

captain corky said...

Next you're going to tell me that he would rather drink a Heineken over a Budweiser!!! I was falling in love with your husband until you mentioned the theatre... ;)

Have a great time! I wish I was going fishing in Canada.

Mx said...

Hey Rick...November isn't that far off... wait (to paraphrase Dan) living in Palm Springs IS a vacation! (if you don't go outside)

Corky my Man...Madame x's husband wouldn't touch a Heineken..He's a Bud man, all the way..long neck, no can, and certainly not in a glass....

Anonymous said...

I hope you and your husband have a very relaxing and wonderful vacation. My time off has officially ended and the students all come back on Thursday.

Mx said...

Hi Saly, thanks we will!