Thursday, January 31, 2008

Written on the Wind

For the last several YEARS, Madame x has had plans underway for a MAJOR remodel of the humble abode. The year 2008 was the target date.

Postings on blogger would document the progress, step by delightful step....culminating
in the magnificence of the fait accompli....

can you hear the music swell into materialistic ecstasy.

But everyday, in everyway….. Charles Schwab sends us a greeting and it sez:

Turn off the music…I’m takin yer money and I’m sendin it back to the garden of eden

I found this picture Here

So for now, we remain Shabbily Chic


captain corky said...

Welcome back Madame! Hopefully the sky will stop falling soon.

Mx said...

Thanks Corky... That Max just keeps getting cuter and cuter!

Guilty Secret said...

Can you believe 2008 actually came? It still sounds like something in the future to me...

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Friday . . . let's have a wednesday review shall we? :)


Chellie said...

Remodels are fun but so draining too. Relax in the calm of NOT doing it now. :)