Sunday, February 17, 2008

Woe is Madame x

December 07.... A happy, hilarious, fun filled noisy Christmas, with the constant commotion of a four year old and a six year old and all the company of parents and aunts and uncles and cousins, ravaging the house and neighborhood. One hardly noticed the brief few hours the little one fell ill... Spreading the deadly virus like a sparkling pixie dust storm, landing where it may.

It was a melancholy day when they all left, one moment all choatic and alive with laughter and kisses, and the next.... silence, unsettling and erie. Madame x thought she was just in a lonely funk, wandering about the house. picking up stray toys, a forgotten sock, feeling kinda blah.... and then she lost her voice. No kidding her voice totally, completely amazingly disappeared..... gone....
Although Madame x felt kinda punky, she managed to function through her January days in semi-croaky silence. It took the full month to rally (something the 4 yr old managed in a few hours). On the evening of January 31st, Madame x announced in her scratchy recovering voice that she was looking forward to a February of good health.


Madame x didn't know sick.... until February 1st dawned..... the unseen, unheard, all powerful and ever lurking virus of the 4 year old swooped in and dropped a bucket load of sick on Madame x's head. Rendering her unconscious and on death's door....(shut up, its true) for FIVE days straight ....miserable and delirious. Unable to eat, drink, think or even check into the morgue hospital....

Upon regaining consciousness, with barely the strength to shower and collaspe back in bed... Madame x awaited her fate. the tunnel... the white light..... and while she waited.....she watched a movie.

Therefore, In the next post....

Madame x will offer up her Wednesday review about that very movie.

1 comment:

Chellie said...

Being sick is such a bummer. I'm so lucky to have good luck with missing all the stuff that goes around. I don't know how either, as many sick kids as I'm around daily. I better knock on wood. Glad you are back to life and all better!