Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Added to the Roll Call:

Say Hi to Chellie.... She is tucked happily away in the mid-west on a midlife female vision quest, for a new house and a new heartthrob, topped off by a pursuit of peace and purpose.

She will probably be alarmed at first that Madame x "borrowed" this photo from the The Dolphin Cove.. Madame x loves to help herself to pictures on the net.... Oh wait... here is another!!! So very adorable .....enough to make Tom Cruise jump up and down on the sofa....

If you want to see her with a Celebrity... (hummmm... sorta)
You have to go look for yourself
(try here)



Chellie said...

Okay, THAT was a total shocker!! That first pic didn't copy well, it looks like I'm frowning or something. The 2nd pic, I don't care for either!!

Anyway, that was fun to open! Rick is still hot too! :)

Unknown said...

I enjoy reading Chellie's adventures too

Chellie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chellie said...

Awww, thanks, Sarah!

Suzie said...

I'm a Chellie fan too....

Mx said...

Hi Chellie.... I like the pics... and I forgot to give Hannah her props! Hope she is all well and good these days!

Greetings Sarah!

Hey Suzie! Good to see you... I haven't stopped by your site in awhile... must visit you and Sarah on the web!

Chellie said...

This has been really fun, Mx. Thanks for doing that. :)

(I'm a total Mx fan!!!!)