This is a public service announcement that began playing on t.v. in the early early 1960's..... so early, it might have been 1959
Madame x used to sing this song to her passengers while driving in her grandmother's hand me down 1953 Mercury sedan.... and we would all laugh like the goofballs we were.......
seat belts? Madame x didn't know anyone that had a car with seat belts.
Now Madame x has two grandsons that literally feel vulnerable and exposed if they are not harnessed into a 5 point flapping strap maze of bucket shaped molded plastic that cost $250.00.
Safety first
mx apologizes for any ear worms she might have created with that 'snappy' little tune
The cars back window areas used to be so big that i would lay in that area as we drove around. That's definitely a difference from those car seats that you get into until you are like 8 years old! :)
omg... the package tray! Perfect for obstructing the view with packages and/or little people....
It would be sweet if you still had that car. We are pretty hardcore about strapping in the boy and have even considered using bubble wrap. ;)
Corky.... bubble wrap would be very cool. He could snap bubbles all along the trip!
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