Saturday, June 30, 2007


Back in January I read this thoughtful piece on the poet Anne Sexton and it stirred up long forgotten college memories. I'll go out on a limb here and tell you I wasn't a stellar student, and I really wasn't much interested in my literature class. I really REALLY did not like the woman professor teaching my literature class. Maybe it was that I couldn't charm her in the way I could the art teacher or the botany teacher. Maybe because she called me an ‘elitist smart ass’ and I did not know if she meant that as a noun or an adjective. She should have failed me for the final paper I turned in on this poet and this poem, the red wheelbarrow. I did not fail the class and I know why.......because she did not want me


so much
depends upon
a red wheelbarrow
glazed with
beside the
white chickens.
by William Carlos Williams

It is actually more than a poem.... it is some sort of kick ass Japanese haiku....(type poem) but not nearly as good as this..........found on the Internet

parents spent a lot
for college education
alas, no husband

had to go to the beach for that.....
I'm just sayin'


Robyn said...

That's actually one of my favorite poems, holding a spot in an anthology book I had to make for a project in poetry class.

WCW also wrote another one of my faves - one about how he ate the plums in the icebox. That poem was massively encouraging to me, because it made me think "Hey, if THAT'S a poem, then I have written all sorts of great things! I must be a fantastic writer!"

But I'm weird like that. There's another W for you!

pink fluff and stuff said...

Madame X, please keep posting!

Mx said...

PB, you ARE a fantastic writer! and there is another W!

Hello Kitty, I've been keeping up with you (even though I wasn't posting for awhile...) thanks for stopping in:)