see this.... BLACK (not blue) screen of death
This causes involuntary jazz hands.. and utterances of words (not befitting a kindly grandmother).... and as if in a bad slo-mo nightmare the five stages of grief take hold and consume the next 24 hrs of your life.
- Denial: the initial state "This can't be happening"(how many reboots with the same screen does it take to figure out "it's happening baby)
- Anger: Why is this happening "looking around wildly for someone to blame"
- Bargaining: Oh Hell! just let me get my Quickbooks back! I don't care about anything else....(Oh yeah? wadda 'bout those ten thousand photos....)
- Depression: Wandering aimlessly around the kitchen periodically opening the refrigerator door, helping yourself to 'yet' another ice cream sandwich, waiting for the techie guy to call for a "computer update".
and last...
- Acceptance: Highly jubilant acceptance, looking thru the Dell flier that has been littering the computer desk for weeks. Hmmmm, that certainly is a fine looking lime green laptop with a 17" in screen.... Just the thing to help one thru a tragic computer disaster.
Cell phone rings while making a purchase at the local Farm Supply store. Techie guy in need of Norton's Utility password to load it back on my computer.
"You fixed it?" I inquired.....
"Well, I got your Windows OS back, but everything else is gone"
So there you have it.....I have my trusty (old) Toshiba laptop back . A pristine, blank-slate, little program-less virgin......
as visions of a shiny new greener than green, 17" screen, bad boy named Dell, fades to
well, black
That stinks! It happend to me once before, and like a fool I still don't back up my files.
Thanksk Corky.... I'm still just beginning to realize how much I really lost...
all those itunes....sad
Holy crap!
Now I'm shaking in my boots because I loaded your blog. Maybe your PC infection was passed to my PC! No!! No!!
I'm kidding. I'm not even wearing boots. I'm actually barefoot right now.
Hey Dan.... As much as I'd like to blame a virus or worm or cyber foul play....
the problem was totally iatrogenic
google that ......
and stay far away from your registry....
Well said.
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